Verifiable Off-Road Autonomy with BlueSpace

Off-Road Autonomy

Solving on-road autonomy is already a formidable challenge, even with the help of structured road features like lane markings, signage, and extensive supporting data sets. How, then, do we achieve autonomy in off-road or unstructured environments, where the terrain is unpaved, there are no lane markings, and vehicles must navigate through tall vegetation or uncertain/no trails?

BlueSpace’s Solution

BlueSpace’s AI-power Autonomy employs a math and physics-based approach to segment and solve for motion first, eliminating the need for prior training, reliance on HD mapping, and GPS signals to solve for motion and its inherent risks of incorrectness or unavailability.

BlueSpace cracks the AI “black box” conundrum with our Explainable AI. Our approach enables traceability, predictability, and quantifiability of our confidence in our AI. This matters when you are putting the AI system to assist our warfighters or operators and workers at industrial sites. On the surface, it looks the same - it’s what’s under the hood - combining the latest Generative AI with our verifiable stack that brings safety and scalability.

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BlueSpace’s Scalable Solution to GPS-Denied Environments


Resilient and Reliable AI-powered APNT in GPS-Denied Areas